Tracy M Cramer

Occupation: Homemaker

Occupational Background: Dental Assistant

Educational Background: Gervais High School; Anthem Dental School

Prior Governmental Experience: None

Faith and Community

Growing up in a family with three siblings in Gervais, I developed an early fondness for freedom. I have deep roots in the Gervais\Brooks communities. My father was a lifelong logger and trucker in the community as well as an ordained minister. My strong work ethic and deep Christian faith have directed my life. As a child, my siblings and I worked as farmhands, picking produce for local farmers.

I played softball, basketball, and track for Gervais High School. I also worked with Bauman Farms to continue the financial support of the local leadership club at Gervais High. With a diverse student group from all backgrounds, I was honored to be chosen Homecoming Queen my senior year.

Miracles, Determination, and Community

My husband Jake and I struggled for several years to start a family of our own, but with God’s blessing in 2019, we welcomed our twins into the world. I’ve continued to stay involved in my community but left the dental field with the birth of our third child. I am passionate about the direction of our community, local schools, and economy, and will fight to protect our rights.

I’m not a politician. I just believe it’s time for Oregonians to step up to save this great state!

A New and Fresh Voice

“Tracy Cramer is not only a wonderful mother and wife, but she’s also fired up about improving our great state and is filled with fresh ideas. I believe she’s uniquely suited for this position in the community and for this time in our state!”

Rep. Jessica George (R-St. Paul)

  • Strongly Pro-Life
  • Strongly Pro-Second Amendment & Police
  • Strongly Anti-Tax
  • Strongly Pro-School Choice

Also Endorsed By:

Former State Representative Bill Post (Republican)
Mel Counts, Realtor & OSU Hall of Famer
Taxpayers Association of Oregon PAC
Oregon Family Farm Association PAC

(This information furnished by Tracy Cramer.)


Kyler T McNaught

TJ Sullivan

Occupation: Co-owner and Insurance Agent, Huggins Insurance

Occupational Background: Small Business Owner, Insurance Agent

Educational Background: Portland State University, Salem Academy High School

Prior Governmental Experience: Salem City Planning Commission, Salem City Council

About TJ:

TJ was born and raised right here in Salem. After earning his bachelor’s degree he moved back to Salem to settle down and raise his family, run his business, serve his community, and has been a leading member of numerous organizations over the years.

Community Involvement:

Salem Planning Commission 1998 – 2002
Salem City Council 2003 – 2010
Board President, Friends of the Salem Senior Center 1996 – 1998
Chair, South Gateway Neighborhood Association 2011 – 2012
Board Member, Salem Area Chamber of Commerce 2000 – 2008, 2014 – 2020
Board President, Salem Area Chamber of Commerce 2018 – 2020
Board Member, Keizer Rotary 2012 – 2016
Board President, Keizer Rotary 2013 – 2014
Board Member, Salem Main Street Association 2018 – 2021
Board President, Salem Main Street Association 2020 – 2021

Growing Our Economy:

We can make Salem the best place to live, work and raise a family – but that starts with supporting our local businesses and policies that help grow our economy.

Improving Our Education:

Oregon’s schools are falling behind. We must do more to help students receive a quality education and spending more time in the classroom.

Protecting Our Communities:

Every resident in Oregon deserves to feel safe in their home and neighborhood. We must do more to improve public safety, support law enforcement and restore confidence in our community.

Strengthening Our Healthcare:

Mental illnesses are on the rise and Oregon’s healthcare systems are unequipped to handle it. We need to support community healthcare systems and ensure that residents have better access to affordable healthcare.

Community Awards:

Willard Marshall Special Citizen Award Winner 2015
Distinguished Service Award Winner, Salem Area Chamber of Commerce 2015

Local Endorsements:

Chuck Bennett, Mayor of Salem

(This information furnished by TJ Sullivan.)


Keith Lembke

Occupation: Substitute Teacher, Security Consultant

Occupational Background: Retired Military Officer, Political and Security

Educational Background: West Point, BS, Industrial Management, US Military Academy; Central Michigan University, MS, Public Administration

Prior Governmental Experience: None

* I Will Reign In Crime.

TRUST. I know from experience, people whom live in fear of physical harm do not have the ability to improve their lives. I will fight for equal protection for all people.

First, we must uphold the equitable and fair enforcement of the rule of law, empowering law enforcement with the required resources to be better integrated into their communities. With the right resources, law enforcement can build trust. This will reduce crime, violence, and obstacles to progress.

* I Will Reign In Homelessness.

EMPATHY. In my visits to homeless communities, I have yet to see real empathy or compassion. I have only seen convenient and justified neglect. Widespread homelessness and aggressive panhandling is not respecting humanity.

It’s time to shut down homeless tent cities for more humane, compassionate, and respectful alternatives. Effective examples exist of multi-disciplinary approaches that truly assist homeless individuals. I will work to ensure that programs focused on individual care and treatment are funded and supported.

* I Will Empower Parents.

CHOICE. I believe education is a partnership between educators and the legal guardians. I do not believe it is a partnership between educators and the students without guardian participation.

Parents and legal guardians must have a choice in the education of their children, including the selection of the school that best suits their students’ needs. I will protect the parents’ and guardians’ right to guide their children’s’ education by supporting school choice. I will advocate for parents’ and guardian’s rights to determine where, and how, their education taxes are spent.

We know what works. We just need to do it. Elect me and I will.

(This information furnished by Keith Lembke.)


Benjamin Watts

Occupation: Stay at Home Dad

Occupational Background: Samaritan Health Services IT Operations Manager, Small Business Owner, US Army Signals Intelligence Analyst/Arabic Linguist

Educational Background: Bachelor of Arts in English – Oregon State University, Associates – LBCC

Prior Governmental Experience: Greater Albany Public Schools Budget Committee

Dear Friend,

Oregon has been through a lot in the last few years. COVID, Record Forest Fires, Record Heat, Stagnant Wages, Rising Housing Prices. All of these things and more have worked to push us apart, to isolate us, physically and politically.

Now, as we look to the east and have seen the looming threat of an escalating conflict in Europe, we are reminded that there is more that unites us than divides us. We all love our state and our country. We all love our families and our communities. We all love our children and we all strive to provide for them a better, brighter future. There’s only one way that we can make progress toward a more perfect state and a more perfect union, and that’s by working together.

I will be a voice in Salem that seeks to bridge the urban and rural divide, to listen to those who feel unheard. I will work to understand the views of all members of our community and will bring that understanding into the rooms where decisions are made.

My Priorities

  • 1 in 7 Oregon children suffer from food insecurity. Let’s feed them.
  • As climate change looms, renewable energy organizations are struggling to enter the market. Let’s remove those obstacles.
  • Renters are paying more for their housing while their wages are stagnating. Let’s support them.
  • The cost of living keeps going up, so should the minimum wage. Let’s help small businesses as we make the transition.
  • There are over 1,400 homeless veterans in Oregon on any given night. Let’s house them.


Oregon Education Association
Oregon League of Conservation Voters

(This information furnished by Benjamin Watts.)


Stan Stubblefield

Occupation: Small Business Owner, De Casa Fine Foods

Occupational Background: UPS, Center Manager; UPS, Driver; Oregon National Guard (6 years)

Educational Background: Linfield University, B.S. Business Management; Lane Community College; Umpqua Community College

Prior Governmental Experience: None

About Stan

I grew up on a small farm east of Roseburg. I learned the importance of performing a task and following through to completion. As a young boy, I was up at daybreak. My job was to move the irrigation. I learned about protecting our resources. As with all resources, water was to be used but not wasted. I learned to appreciate our natural resources. I was taught and still believe we should be good stewards of our resources. They are to be utilized to create jobs and recreation, but they are not to be wasted.

Those lessons I took with me later in life during my 20 years of running a small business. You have to be flexible, open to new challenges, and be ready to solve problems.

If I couldn’t handle the tasks of owning a business, my business would not have been successful. Yet our state leaders have failed to solve our major problems. I believe I have the knowledge and skills to help with the success of our beautiful state.


Fighting for Community Safety

Our State Police force is seriously understaffed. Today we have fewer Troopers than in 1970-1990, but our population has grown by nearly 2 million. Yet some of our politicians want to “Defund the Police,” this is crazy. We need additional funding at all levels. When we call 911, we want a quick response. We must feel safe in our homes and hold criminals accountable.

Homeless Crisis

The present solution is to simply throw money at the crisis. It is not a solution, and it only perpetuates the growing problem. We need to address the underlying problems of mental health, substance addiction and provide job training.

(This information furnished by Friends of Stan Stubblefield.)


Caleb Clark

Timothy S Sutherland

Occupation: Sales Director

Occupational Background: Sales and Marketing

Educational Background: University of Kentucky, BS, Accounting

Prior Governmental Experience: None

* I Will Fight to Empower Parents.

Schools and teachers are important, but PARENTS should be the primary directors of their childrens’ education – not government officials. School curriculum, teaching methods, board policies, and other such things must fully transparent and easily accessible to parents. Money should follow students into any accredited public, private, charter, or home school chosen by parents because poor, working, and middle class parents should have more of the same choices that rich parents have. Our schools should be as diverse as our children are.

* I Will Fight to Reign In Homelessness.

Like you, I want to help and show compassion to people struggling to survive. But widespread homelessness and aggressive panhandling is no answer. Both threaten our health and safety. It’s time to shut down homeless camps and tent communities. At the same time, we need to work with our churches, communities, and networks of shelters and services to make alternatives of homelessness safer and more accessible. Facilitating job creation, instead of chasing employers away, will also reduce homelessness.

* I Will Fight to Reign In Crime.

The highest purpose of our police is to secure the life, property, and rights of the people. Like the rest of us, Police must obey the law and be held accountable when they don’t. At the same time, police must be able to vigorously enforce the law confident we have their backs. We need to adequately fund, train, and honor the vast majority of police who serve with honor and heroism.

We know what works. We just need to do it. Elect me and I will.

(This information furnished by Timothy S. Sutherland.)


Bill R Ledford

Occupation: Retired

Occupational Background: Pharmaceutical Sales Merck & Co, Inc. 35 Years; Millwright; Choker Setter

Educational Background: University of Oregon, BS General Science; Kennewick, WA High School, Diploma

Prior Governmental Experience: Elected Precinct Committee Person; Community Organizer



I am running for State Representative because I know what Oregon was like before Democrats controlled it. I have witnessed Oregon defunding the police, encouraging homelessness, enacting sanctuary cities, and supporting general lawlessness.



Current Democrat sponsored legislation (HB 4079) calls for a 3% sales tax on certain items. This tax would fund monthy $750 debit cards for the homeless. This bill does not address drug addiction and mental illness that plagues the homeless. This bill would make Oregon a destination for indigent people.



Oregon is 4th in the nation in spending money per person and wants more of your money by imposing toll roads, taxing cars for miles used, higher gas taxes, and camera enforcement. Oregon has the longest DMV wait times in the nation.



Oregon Democrat mandates are the most restrictive in the nation that have severly harmed many small businesses and many have been forced to close.



The Democrats and our school boards are failing to educate our children in the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. The emphasis seems to be teaching divisive issues that are better left for parents. Politics should be left out of the classroom.



Government over-reach must be checked to ensure that all economic enterprises are not compromised. Democrat sponsored (HB4002B) dictates to farmers how much they have to pay their workers.



These are the issues that I am fighting for. What are your concerns? Elect me to be your voice for change. If you agree, vote for me.

(This information furnished by Bill Ledford.)

Michelle Emmons