Kriss Wright

Race: House
District: 23

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Chair, Planning Commission City of Newberg, Alternate, Planning Commission, NUAMC City of Newberg and Yamhill County.

Occupational Background: Research Scientist, Land Use & Zoning Consultant, Grant Writer, Health Technician-US Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC), Advocate, Farmworker, Salesperson, Childcare Provider, and Mom.

Educational Background: Portland State University, Bachelor of Science, GIS Certificate, P.C.C., Sylvania, AAS, Dietetic Technologies.

Prior Governmental Experience: 2022 Chair, Planning Commission, Newberg, OR. (2019 – Current), Alternate, Planning Commissioner, NUAMC (Newberg Urban Area Management Commission) City of Newberg and Yamhill County, OR. (2021-Current)

Kriss Wright for State Representative HD23


Listening with an open mind from ALL my Community and Future Constituates promotes diversity for probem solving, finding REAL solutions that our Communities face. When United, We Stand in working together for the benefit of all Oregon, in which all our communities win!

I will give the Counties of Polk and Yamhill the Representation it Deserves!

I believe in the Constitution, the Legislative Process, and the Rule of Law, all principles that should never be endangered. I will stand up to Powerful People and the Supermajority if it doesn’t align with my communities needs.

Climate Change

We can grow our Economy while improving Air, Water, and Soil Health without devistating our Forests and Farmlands, the very systems that we depend on for our health and sustainability.

What I Stand For

Affordable & Quality Housing. Everyone deserves a safe, affordable, and accessible home.

Economic justice, housing, childcare incentives, business relief, career readiness programs, community-led development and anti-displacement mitigation.

Education Equity, Safely getting students and staff back into schools, increase salary incentives to Attract and Keep our excellent Teachers are my priority!

Advocating for access to Health & Mental Wellness, lower costs for Medication & Healthcare Services.

I’ll fight to address hate crimes, discrimination, and excessive use of force by Police and ICE.

Vote Kriss Wright for HR District 23

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(This information furnished by Kriss Wright.)

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