Alberto Enriquez

Amelia Salvador

Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Broker & Small Business Owner

Occupational Background: Events Management & Marketing

Educational Background: College of Legal Arts, Reynolds HS

Prior Governmental Experience: Gresham Redevelopment Commission-Advisory & Budget Committees, City of Gresham-Charter Review Committee, Prosper Portland-Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative,Parkrose Board Member



Amelia is a first generation, native Oregonian who will fight to restore balance and inclusion to our state legislation. She’s been a life-long community activist. As a single mother of five grown children and one grandchild, Amelia will prioritize, advocate and protect the best interest of her community and for all Oregonians.


OREGONIANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH. I refuse to condone homelessness. I will be pro-active to find positive solutions. Third-world living conditions, overnight camping in streets, unsanitary heaps of garbage is unacceptable and inhumane. We must work collaboratively with Local City, County & State jurisdictions to resolve this issue, but not at the expense of our citizens.


OREGONIANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH. I want to continue to live in Oregon. It’s worth fighting for to keep the cost of living affordable. I will not allow the trickle effects of over-taxation to affect our daily living expenses. My priority is to keep gas and groceries affordable.


OREGONIANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH. Safety and law and order is a priority. I understand the importance of effective community/economic development and the positive impact it has on our community. We need to create new opportunities, offer vital resources, new amenities, provide more housing and bring more job opportunities into our region. We must protect and have the best interest of our citizens.


OREGONIANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH. The answer is not to ask more money from our tax payers to resolve financial issues, the answer is to appropriately allocate and budget what the Government currently receives from Us. I will advocate for a more efficient, effective checks & balances system in Salem.


(This information furnished by Amelia Salvador.)


Anna Kasachev

Anna Williams

Arlene Burns

Barbara Fontaine

Barbara Smith Warner

Barbara Smith Warner is State Representative for Oregon House District 45, which includes Northeast Portland, the city of Maywood Park and the Parkrose area. In the 2019 session she served as the House Chair of the Joint Committee on Student Success, on the House Revenue Committee, House Rules Committee, and the Joint Committee on Tax Expenditures.

Barbara’s extensive volunteer work in her two children’s local public school is what inspired her to seek office. She is passionate about the issues that affect the families of House District 45 and all of Oregon – access to quality education, health care for all, good living-wage jobs, a diverse and efficient transportation system, and safe communities. In today’s world, Barbara knows that Oregon can, and must, be a leader in the fight towards a more just world for all our communities.

While Barbara is currently serving her third term in the legislature, she is no stranger to fighting for a better Oregon—she’s been a grassroots organizer and community activist for her entire career. In fact, Barbara has spent much of her professional career helping people to engage with and participate in their government. As a Field Representative for U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, Barbara’s role was to serve as a conduit between the Senator and community groups and constituents across the state.

The fifth and youngest child of an English teacher and a public television executive, Barbara grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania, and graduated from Gannon University. In addition to volunteering at Beverly Cleary School, Barbara also volunteers with her Neighborhood Association, the PTA, St. Andrew’s Food Pantry, and the Children’s Book Bank. When not working or volunteering, Barbara enjoys running, biking, and spending time with her husband Chris and two kids, Emmett and Eleanor.

Barbara is deeply committed to an open, accessible government that is of, for and by the people.

She hopes you will communicate, offer feedback, and share your opinion on the things that matter to you and your family, so she can continue to work for you in Salem.

Beth Spell

Bob Niemeyer

Occupation: Self Employed Mechanical Engineer

Occupational Background: Small Business Owner, Professional Engineer, Inventor, Entrepreneur

Educational Background: Oregon State University, BS in Mechanical Engineering

Prior Governmental Experience: None

Leadership and Ideas for Oregon:

Oregon’s short term vision of our future has led to the government protecting the government from the People. 40 years of “Spend now, pay later, tax more” has only increased the size of government causing the current leadership to work outside the Constitution to govern Oregon. Our future is being consumed by a government that can’t see past what government wants to spend your tax dollars on today.


Are the People of Tigard safe? Legislation is needed to prevent elected office holders from being able to selectively enforce the law. High density housing and Light Rail are lighting a fuse to exploding crime rates. Why build such things that destroy the livability of Tigard? The People want safety and reliable funding for the Police.

The real problem with PERS: The Judicial Branch of government is protecting their PERS retirement before protecting the Constitution from government misconduct and overreach. The People need the entire Judicial Branch off of PERS. Judges will protect their retirement before they protect the People.

Public Education in Oregon has been destroyed. We must use a Voucher system that will allow Parents to decide the type and quality of education they want for their children. Vouchers for School Choice, special needs, and Charter Schools are what the People want.

PERS itself: A commitment was made to government employees for a retirement pension. I stand for making sure that that commitment is kept. Legislation must be made to fund that commitment so employee control over their future instead of future governments looking at your retirement as a source of money to spend.

A vote for Bob Niemeyer is a vote for Safety, Protecting the People from government, common sense, and limiting government to what they are supposed to do.

(This information furnished by Bob Niemeyer.)


Bill Post