Tobias Read

Race: | Secretary of State |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: State Treasurer
Occupational Background: Oregon Treasurer, Oregon State Representative
Educational Background: University of Washington, MBA; Willamette University, BA.
Prior Governmental Experience: 2017-present; State Representative, 2007-2016
“I’m frustrated with where Oregon is today. We must urgently provide homeless Oregonians with safe, stable housing and access to mental health and addiction services while cleaning up our public spaces; get illegal guns off our streets and reduce gun violence; and make sure schools stay open, so our kids don’t fall further behind. As governor, I will challenge the status quo in Salem to create a brighter future for all.”
– Treasurer Tobias Read
A Vision for a Stronger Oregon
A parent of two kids in public schools, Treasurer Read believes we should measure Oregon’s progress by the well-being of our kids. As governor, he will create a universal pre-K program for every child, expand access to affordable childcare, and make raising literacy and graduation rates a top priority. He’ll build more housing of all types to bring down the cost of living, get tough on gun violence, and continue Oregon’s leadership in investing in clean energy to combat climate change.
A Record of Results
Treasurer Read created a program that helped more than 100,000 Oregonians save over $150 million for retirement, and tens of thousands save for college. He’s cut Wall Street fees, saving taxpayers more than $500 million. He’s doubled the state’s investment in clean energy, and led the charge to create the Elliott State Research Forest. As a legislator, he was a leader in passing full-day kindergarten and establishing Oregon’s rainy day fund.
“Oregon needs a Governor with a statewide record of tackling tough issues, delivering results, and fighting for Oregonians living in every corner of this great state. That’s why I’m supporting Tobias. Oregon needs his proven and steady leadership.”
– Governor Barbara Roberts
Joint Council of Teamsters No.37
Rep. Janelle Bynum
Rep. David Gomberg
Lake Oswego City Councilor Daniel Nguyen
More endorsements:
(This information furnished by Friends of Tobias Read.)