Tim McCloud

Race: | Secretary of State |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: Professional
Occupational Background: Administration
Educational Background: Eastern Oregon University
Prior Governmental Experience: Local and State
McCloud is a working class American who has overcome homelessness while raising a family, attending school full time, and running a business; not a lifelong politician with a multi-million dollar advertising campaign. In his life, Tim stands firm against bullying and discrimination. As Governor, McCloud will stand strong for the freedom of all Oregonians and against discrimination. Raised by his mom and grandma, Tim was shaped with compassion from a young age and taught to protect others. A husband, father of 3 daughters, and brother to 3 sisters, he’ll fight for women’s issues.
McCloud has advocated for vulnerable Oregonians: seniors, individuals with disabilities, foster youth, individuals with mental health issues, and persons in economic crisis. Tim has experience championing for children and families in the courts and foster care systems. His leadership in community events and local commissions prepared him for making tough decisions. McCloud will roll up his sleeves for greater access to individual healthcare options for our seniors, veterans, and the medically fragile.
McCloud is committed to getting Oregon back to work; keeping schools open, thriving small businesses, and affordable quality childcare. As a former small business owner, Tim understands the time, expense, and difficulty it takes to operate a business in Oregon. Tim believes that businesses, great paying jobs, safer neighborhoods and a thriving economy are essential to our communities. As Governor of Oregon, Tim will listen to Oregonians: on our environment, economy and ways of life, because every Oregonian matters. God bless Oregon and the United States of America.
Como Gobernador de Oregón, Tim McCloud reducirá el costo de vida, mejorará la educación de los estudiantes y creará caminos hacia el estatus de ciudadanía. Conduciré para mejorar nuestro entorno natural y nuestra economía. Queremos mejores trabajos y viviendas, más libertad y calles más seguras. ¡Dios nos bendiga, Oregon y a los Estados Unidos de América!
(This information furnished by Friends of Tim McCloud for Governor.)