Susan McLain

Race: House
District: 29

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Retired Teacher, State Representative

Occupational Background: Glencoe High School Teacher, Speech and Debate Instructor

Educational Background: B.S., Oregon College of Education

Prior Governmental Experience: Metro Councilor, 1991-2006, State Representative 2015-present

Representative Susan McLain

A leader in Western Washington County

State Representative Susan McLain spent 42 years teaching students and raising her children in our community. As someone who lives in Forest Grove, goes to church in Cornelius, and taught in Hillsboro, she knows Western Washington County well.

Investing in strong schools

Susan knows first-hand that education is the key to creating opportunities for all Oregonians. As Co-Chair of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Education, she helped pass the largest State School Fund budget in Oregon’s history and continues to work hard to increase educational opportunities for all Oregonians.

Fighting for small businesses

Susan has fought for small business loans, to guarantee workers paid sick leave, raise our minimum wage, and strengthen enforcement of equal pay laws. Susan knows that all workers deserve the same wage and treatment, regardless of their race, gender, or age.

Representing us

Susan is a committed voice for our community in Salem and known for bringing people together and finding common ground. She truly listens to her community and accessibility and responsiveness are standards we have come to expect from Susan.

“It’s an honor to represent our district in Salem. I’m a fifth-generation Oregonian and I care deeply about our state. Every day, our communities, my children, and my grandchildren inspire me to serve, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity. I would be honored to receive your vote.”

– Susan McLain

Partial Endorsement List:


Oregon Education Association

American Federation of Teachers-Oregon

Oregon League of Conservation Voters


Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters

Oregon School Employees Association

Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC

Pro-Choice Oregon PAC

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley

Mayor Peter Truax

Commissioner Pam Treece

Senator Janeen Sollman

Metro Councilor Juan Carlos Gonzalez

(This information furnished by Friends of Susan McLain.)