Sandra Nelson

Race: House
District: 27

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Reading Consultant

Occupational Background: Small Business Owner (Adult Foster Home); In-home Health Caregiver/Staff Manager; Teacher

Educational Background: University of Massachusetts (Bachelor of Arts); University of Illinois (Master in Education)

Prior Governmental Experience: Precinct Committee Person; Nominee for State Representative; Party Platform Convention Delegate

Community Involvement: Beaverton Community Emergency Response Team reserve member; Crisis Response Team (Portland Police Bureau); Local Church Activities; Local Non-Profit Organizations

What do you think?

Do your state legislators:

  • make themselves available to hear and acknowledge your concerns?
  • deliberate issues with balance and compromise?
  • protect the rights of individuals and families?
  • create an environment that allows small businesses to thrive?
  • address the crime and public safety concerns in your neighborhood?
  • care about the exploding population density of our neighborhoods?
  • respect the right of local school boards to make the decisions that are right for their own districts?
  • adequately address the maintenance of roads and traffic congestion in our communities?

If you answered NO to any of these questions, then maybe you would like a change in leadership.

The legislature has repeatedly overruled the will of the people. I will do my legislative business as directed by you, my constituents. I care about your concerns. My door will be open to you, not only in Salem but here in our district, where we live.

We need to listen to one another, find common ground, and build on the fundamental principles and values that we share.

I hope we agree on the principles of inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; the dignity and worth of every person; justice with the rule of law; individual freedom and responsibility; volunteerism; and the belief that family and faith should be protected from government intrusion.

I strongly believe that these solid, foundational principles will help us build free and prosperous communities together.

I’d like to hear what you think!

Please take my Voter Feedback Survey on my website: or

email me:

(This information furnished by Friends of Sandra Nelson.)

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