Paul Evans

Race: | House |
District: | 20 |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: Teacher, Chemeketa Community College; State Representative HD-20.
Occupational Background: Teacher (PSU, and WOU); Senior Policy Advisor to Governor Kulongoski; Master Air Battle Manager, US Air Force.
Educational Background: M.A., Oregon State University; B.S., Western Oregon State College; Central High (Independence, Oregon).
Prior Governmental Experience: Board of Directors, Central School District; (2008–2011); Chair, Governor’s Task Force on Veterans Services (2008); Monmouth Mayor (1999–2002); Monmouth City Council (1989–1992). Military Experience: USAF; Oregon Air National Guard; Deployments: Afghanistan, Iraq, Central America, Europe, and Southwest Asia; Retired 2013. Service: As an elected official, teacher, volunteer firefighter, and in the U.S. Armed Forces. Paul demonstrates the values of duty, honor, and service to his nation and community.
Dear Neighbor,
Few could have predicted the whirlwind of the past two years. A pandemic, global economic shutdown, and two historically violent wildfires impacted communities around our state.
This election is about moving us forward, fixing what we must while refocusing on the opportunities of tomorrow. As your State Representative, I want to share some of what we have done, and a few of the things I believe we can do in the future.
- Oregon responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. We met the challenges of the 2020 and 2021 wildfires and made progress in assisting our impacted neighbors to rebuild.
- We established new programs for stabilizing essential service providers, small businesses, and working families to counter the catastrophic impacts of the global “shut down” of manufacturing supply-chains.
- To confront homelessness, we are accelerating affordable housing creation and humane strategies to help people get off the streets.
- We reformed our statewide emergency management response and recovery systems, improved training requirements, and secured a new stockpile program aligned with lessons learned.
Now we must look forward: to reinvigorate our K-12 education system, invest in workforce development, small businesses, and our economy, and rehabilitate our aging infrastructure. We must move Oregon forward -together.
Paul Evans. Our State Representative.
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(This information furnished by Friends of Paul Evans.)