Noah Robinson

Race: Senate
District: 2

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Scientist; Educator; Businessman

Occupational Background: Vice President & Scientific Researcher, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

Educational Background: Southern Oregon University BS (Chemistry – earned in only 2 years); California Institute of Technology, PhD (Chemistry – earned in 3 years)

Prior Governmental Experience: Assistant to Senator Art Robinson

Our state and our people must prosper!

We must minimize government intrusion, so that liberty, freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity are assured. We should make the best use of advances in technology. As an accomplished scientist, Noah brings a valuable science and engineering perspective to our state legislature, as his father Senator Art Robinson has. Noah will work to correct flawed energy policies which have driven up the price of electricity and gasoline.

  • Security

Psychoactive drugs are killing Oregonians and destroying lives. Drug dealers must be harshly prosecuted. We need strong penalties to deter drug users. Partial measures that politicians can brag about will not solve the problem.

We must protect the lives of all people, born and unborn, through legislation that is pro-life and pro-second amendment.

We must end illegal immigration, so all Oregon citizens of all races and ethnic backgrounds can thrive.

  • Education

Noah is a scientist and experienced educator, who has helped provide educational materials for home schooling and as supplements for public schooling to more than 100,000 K-12 students.

Noah knows that educating children takes time, but is not difficult. The problems in public schools could be easily fixed. Our schools should be locally controlled. Only politicians refusing to act stand in the way of our children receiving a good education.

  • Justice for All

Everyone should be treated equally before the law. We must rigorously follow the rules of our Constitutional Republic.

  • Natural Resources

We should restore responsible use of Oregon’s wonderful timber and mineralogical natural resources.

  • Endorsements

Senator Art Robinson

Senator Dennis Linthicum

Senator Brian Boquist

Oregon Firearms Political Action Committee

Josephine County Republican Party Chairwoman Holli Morton

  • Proverbs 3:5-6

(This information furnished by Noah Robinson for Oregon Senate.)