Mark Owens

Race: House
District: 60
Took office: 2020

VPS - Primary

Occupation: State Representative, farmer, small business owner

Occupational Background: Small business owner, Harney County Commissioner

Educational Background: Sam Barlow High School; Mt. Hood Community College

Prior Governmental Experience: Crane High School Board Chair, State Ground Water Study Advisory Committee, Chair; Co-Convener of Place Based Planning; Harney County Planning Commission

A Voice for All Oregonians
My top priority is being your voice in Salem. Only by working together can we bridge our differences, accomplish our shared goals, and make Oregon a better place to live, work, and play.

My success as your state representative depends on how well I listen to you, ensuring our district’s diverse perspectives are heard loud and clear in Salem. Through my continued engagement, I will prioritize:

  • Developing smarter policies for agriculture and water use while combatting drought and wildfire.
  • Encouraging local control and decision-making for our communities.
  • Increasing accountability and expectations from elected leaders and state agencies.
  • Expanding choices for K-12, post-secondary education, and workforce training.
  • Improving graduation rates and classroom performance by holding the Oregon Department of Education accountable, and not putting the burden on individual school boards or administrations.
  • Opening doors for small business to invest and agriculture to grow statewide.
  • Supporting job creators through better policies and fewer taxes.
  • Reducing and preventing violent crime by emphasizing personal accountability for offenders.
  • Advocating for better pathways to treatment for Oregonians experiencing addiction.

We all want Oregon to be a safer and more prosperous state. I am thankful to have developed relationships with small businesses, community organizations, natural resource and public safety advocates, all three major political parties and others in Oregon to ensure each HD 60 citizen has a voice.

Join me in working together to forge solutions for all Oregonians.

Proudly Endorsed By
Oregon Farm Bureau Federation
Oregon Right to Life PAC
Sheriffs of Oregon
Oregon Chiefs of Police Association
Taxpayer Association of Oregon
The Young Republicans of Oregon

(This information furnished by Mark Owens for Oregon.)

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