Lisa Reynolds

Race: Senate
District: 17

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Pediatrician, State Representative

Occupational Background: The Children’s Clinic, 1995-present; Oregon State Representative, 2020-present

Educational Background: University of Chicago, BA; UCLA School of Medicine, MD

Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative; Citizen Budget Advisory Committee, Multnomah County

Community Involvement: Tualatin Hills Park Foundation Board; Moms Demand Action Legislative Lead; Indivisible Oregon Co-founder

As a State Representative, Lisa

  • Passed gun safety legislation, protecting children from gun violence.
  • Delivered transformational funding for behavioral health services.
  • Raised payments to child care caregivers.
  • Voted yes for 100% clean electricity by 2040.
  • Supported retention and recruitment bonuses for educators.
  • Secured record funding for community violence intervention and prevention.
  • Addressed our homeless crisis with rent relief, housing units, shelter beds, and programs to support homeownership.
  • Provided financial support to businesses to respond and recover from the pandemic.
  • Established overtime pay for Oregon farmworkers.

As a Washington County Pediatrician, Lisa

  • Sees firsthand the impacts of the pandemic and what is and what is not working for Oregon families.
  • Addresses health and educational disparities for those historically left behind because of systemic racism.
  • Led in the coalition passing Washington County’s flavored vape ban, and will expand it statewide.

I’m just getting started. Here’s what’s next: I will close dangerous loopholes in our background check system for gun purchasers. I will secure consistent school funding for every student. I will expand access to healthcare, including reproductive care and behavioral health services, for every single Oregonian, no matter who you love or where you’re from.



SEIU Oregon

Oregon AFL-CIO

Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon

PCUN (Pineros y Campesinos del noroeste)

Beaverton Education Association

Oregon League of Conservation Voters

Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley

Oregon Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle

State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, MD

State Representative Maxine Dexter, MD

State Representative Dacia Grayber

State Representative Ken Helm

Metro Councilor Juan Carlos Gonzalez

Washington County Chair Kathryn Harrington

Washington County Commissioner Pam Treece

Beaverton Mayor Lacey Beaty

Visit for more.

(This information furnished by Friends of Lisa Reynolds.)

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