Lilia Caballero

Race: House
District: 6

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Cultural Outreach Coordinator (2007-present), Medford Police Department

Occupational Background: Respiratory Therapist

Educational Background: Respiratory Therapist Certificate, Rogue Community College

Prior Governmental Experience: Medford School Board Director (2015-present); Medford School District Latino Advisory Committee (2010-2011); and Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee (2006)

Community Experience: Board Secretary, ACCESS; Volunteer, American Red Cross: Volunteer, Britt Festivals; Board member, Center for Nonprofit Legal Services; Volunteer, Friends of the Animals (FOTAS); Board Trustee, Gordon Elwood Foundation; Member, Greater Medford Multicultural Fair Organizing Committee; Participant, Jackson County Homeless Task Force; Member, Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee; Chair, Latinx Interagency Committee; Advisory Group Member, Southern Oregon Latino Scholarship Fund.

Representing the Community I Love

I’m committed to representing the community I love in the state Legislature. As a member of Medford’s School Board for nearly a decade, I learned what it means to dig into issues and work productively with others to improve our community. As cultural outreach coordinator for the Medford Police Department, I know what it takes to bring people together and to make sure all voices are heard.

Housing, Quality Care, Mental Health Services

I’m ready to serve as the face and voice of Medford in Salem, focusing on issues critical to our future. When Medford residents have worked hard, have saved, and have a stable income, they should be able to buy a home here. Working parents should have access to quality care for their children. And we need to increase access in our community to mental health services.

We have so much to be grateful for in our beautiful community and much still to do. I am ready to listen to you and your neighbors, and I’m prepared to take on the challenges of a fractious Legislature while communicating what’s important for Medford.


Former State Representative, Peter Buckley

Color PAC & Oregon Futures Lab

For more information regarding Lilia and her endorsments, visit

(This information furnished by Lilia Caballero.)

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