Ken Helm

Race: House
District: 27

VPS - Primary

Occupation: State Representative

Occupational Background: Attorney

Educational Background: BA and JD, Willamette University

Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative, 2015-present

Since 2015, I have sought to be a steady and thoughtful voice for Beaverton and SW Portland. There is yet more to do, and I would be honored to continue serving as your State Representative.

Economic Recovery – We will be rebuilding our economy for many years. We must support small businesses and workers, encourage local entrepreneurs, and invest in workforce training. I am also working to reduce the cost of child care, health services, and housing to help boost family budgets.

Healthy and Safe Learning – I seek to get our schools back to normal. That means keeping facilities open, supporting teachers and staff, and prioritizing safety and face to face learning for students.

Houselessness is a Tragedy – We need a multi-part response, including affordable housing, beefing up shelters and support services, and discouraging urban camping.

Community Safety – Community safety and an equitable justice system are vital priorities. Our enforcement resources should focus on preventing violent crime and protecting our neighbors.


American Federation of Teachers – Oregon
Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC
Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce
Beaverton Education Association
Humane Voters Oregon
Oregon Education Association
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon Nurses Association
Oregon Building Trades Council
Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters
Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon
Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
SEIU Oregon

City of Beaverton
Mayor Lacey Beaty
City Councilor Marc San Soucie
City Councilor Allison Tivnon
Planning Commissioner Kevin Teater

Beaverton School Board
Chair Tom Colette
Former Chair LeeAnn Larsen

Washington County
Chair Kathryn Harrington
Former Commissioner Dick Schouten
Sheriff Pat Garrett

Metro Council
Councilor Juan Carlos Gonzalez

Parks and Recreation
THPRD Director Felicita Monteblanco

State Senators
Kate Lieber
Janeen Sollman
Elizabeth Steiner Hayward
Mark Hass (2007-2021)

State Representatives
Maxine Dexter
Dacia Grayer
Susan McLain
Courtney Neron
Rachel Prusak
Lisa Reynolds
Sheri Schouten

(This information furnished by Ken Helm for Oregon.)