Katherine Green

Race: House
District: 5

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Property Management

Occupational Background: Throughbred Breeder, Property Management, Hotel Owner, 1995-2021

Educational Background: Central Florida Community College, Eckherd College, Bastyr University, Herscu Module

Prior Governmental Experience: Board Member and Chair of Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District Board, Marion County, Florida, 2004-2012

Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods

To achieve the lower levels of addiction, homelessness and crime we all wish to see, Oregon will need to address the root causes of these societal ills. Overhauling Measure 110 was a great start, however to succeeed we will need to strengthen our economy, providing excellent economic opportunities for all, and to get the hard drugs off our streets and out of our schools. I will fight for both goals in Salem.

Small Businesses and Tax Relief

Oregon needs a thriving economy to move forward, yet all too often policies in Salem have shuttered local businesses and driven people away. We must course correct, support local businesses, entrepreneurs, farms, ranches and innovation to succeed. Let’s begin by building more homes, so that home ownership is not just a privilege but a possiblity for all.

Looking Forward

A great education and excellent health are the best indicators of future success in our children’s lives. Let’s ensure that Oregon’s K-12 schools can meet the challenges they face to provide the excellent education our kids deserve.

Managing our Natural Resouces, State Forests and Water Systems is of primary importance in Southern Oregon. Let’s make sure the policies in Salem support our ability to live here, in the Rogue Valley.

Finally, I am a strong advocate for our Fundamental Human Rights, which Government exists to protect, not infringe upon, here in America. It is my hope that both the People and their Representatives live in this knowledge.

Proudly Endorsed By-

Senator Dennis Linthicum

Representative Kim Wallan

County Commissioner Dave Dotterer

(This information furnished by Katherine Green.)

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