James I Manning Jr

Race: | Senate |
District: | 7 |
Job: | U.S. Army (retired) |
Took office: | 2017 |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: State Senator
Occupational Background: Nonprofit Director, Ret. US Army
Educational Background: Associate of Arts Law Enforcement, Bachelor of Arts Criminal Justice Administration, Master of Arts Organizational Leadership, Master of Science in Leadership
Prior Governmental Experience: Board of Directors, EWEB; Commissioner, Oregon Commission on Black Affairs
“As your senator, I work hard to pass critical legislation for the people of Oregon. Addressing the high cost of healthcare, fighting discrimination in all forms, and providing access to quality education, it is my honor to serve you in the Oregon State Senate.” –James I. Manning, Jr. – our State Senator
Sen. Manning chief-sponsored the creation of the Universal Health Care Taskforce. He is commtted to implementing a Medicaid/Medicare-like health care for all system for Oregon.
Sen. Manning is a housing champion for Veterans and communities impacted by inequity. The senator has a strong record of supporting policies to educate first-time homebuyers, provide down-payment assistance, and train mortgage and real estate brokers regarding inequities in homeownership among BIPOC communities.
Sen. Manning thanks educators for their tireless pursuit to improve the lives of their students. He is dedicated to equity, campus safety, college readiness, job-training programs, mental health wellness, pre-K through 14 investments, and reducing class size.
U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley
Congressman Peter DeFazio
Secretary of State Shemia Fagan • Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle
Treasurer Tobias Read • Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum
Lee Beyer, State Senator • Floyd Prozanski, State Senator
State Representatives Julie Fahey, Paul Holvey
County Commissioners Heather Buch, Pat Farr, Laurie Trieger
Mayor Lucy Vinis
City Councilors Evans, Groves, Keating, Syrett, Yeh, Zelenka
LCC Board Members Lisa Fragala, Rosie Pryor
Lane ESD Board Member Linda Hamilton
Bether School Board Member Ashley Espinoza
Oregon Building Trades Council
Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters
Oregon Nurses Association
SEIU Oregon
Pro-Choice Oregon PAC
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
A proud Democrat, Sen. Manning is also endorsed by:
Oregon’s Working Families Party
For more, visit votejamesmanning.com
(This information furnished by Friends of James Manning.)