Ed Diehl

Race: | House |
District: | 17 |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: Business owner; State Representative
Occupational Background: Co-Owner/President, Concept Systems Inc
Educational Background: Bachelor and Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative; 20+ years in business and community on the receiving end of government overreach
Husband – Father – Man of Faith
For too long Oregon has been led by one-party rule, with devastating impacts on our streets, our schools, and our pocketbooks. It’s beyond time to restore balance in the legislature, to get back to the basics of good governance, to represent the real people of Oregon and not the extreme special interests. That’s what I’m all about, and why I am honored to serve House District 17.
Back to Basics
- Reduce homelessness and addiction: recriminalize hard drugs and require treatment; compassionate accountability
- Make Oregon affordable: oppose new taxes, invest in infrastructure, protect the kicker
- Hold government accountable: revamp our budgeting process, measure results
- Promote low cost, reliable energy: eliminate legislative mandates that are driving utility prices sky high
- Lower regulatory burden: eliminate regulation that stifles innovation, reduces competition, and increases costs
- Healthy forests and farms: reverse misguided policies that are devastating rural communities
- Protect parental rights: parents have the fundamental right to direct the care and upbringing of their children
- School choice: promote Education Savings Accounts so each child gets the education that works best for them
- Respect the inherent dignity of human life: promote a culture of life and help those unable to help themselves
- Protect and defend our 2nd Amendment rights
- Support law enforcement
and FIGHT BACK against big government
*** Endorsements ***
Danielle Bethell, Colm Willis, Kevin Cameron, Marion County Commissioners
Sherrie Sprenger, Roger Nyquist, Will Tucker, Linn County Commissioners
Nick Hunter, Marion County Sheriff
Michelle Duncan, Linn County Sheriff
Oregon Right To Life PAC
Marion County Republican Party
The Young Republicans of Oregon
Learn more at EdDiehl.com
(This information furnished by Ed Diehl for Oregon.)