E Werner Reschke

Race: House
District: 55

VPS - Primary

Occupation: State Representative

Occupational Background: Small business owner, online marketing professional

Educational Background: B.A. Business Administration, Cum Laude, OSU

Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative, Vice-Chair House Revenue Committee, Member Joint Transportation Committee

Family: Married 32 years; one son, USAF

— Guiding Principles —

Werner works to protect our natural rights of life, liberty, free speech and religion. He champions the ideas of parental authority, strong families, free markets, excellence in education, medical freedom, lower taxes, limited government and second amendment rights. Werner advocates for law enforcement, ending the disaster of Measure 110 (Oregon’s no-penalty drug law) and is a proponent of in-person voting with voter ID.

— Representing Central and Southern Oregon —

As State Representative, E. Werner Reschke excelled as a voice for Central and Southern Oregon. He is an effective leader advocating for local priorities at the state level. Werner has a successful track record in bringing back millions of dollars to support key community projects in Klamath & Deschutes counties.

— Endorsements —

Taxpayers Association of Oregon
Oregon Farm Bureau Federation
Oregon Chiefs of Police Association
Oregon Right To Life PAC
Oregon Dairy Farmers Association
Sheriffs of Oregon
Associated Oregon Loggers
Oregon Nurseries’ PAC

— Recent Legislative Accomplishments —

Werner fought to end Oregon’s damaging drug decriminalization policy (Measure 110). With the passage of HB 4002 (2024), hard, street drugs were re-criminalized — up to 180 days in prison and treatment options available. Ending Measure 110’s open drug market was an important first step in the fight to extinguish Oregon’s permissive drug culture.

Werner was successful in passage of his bill (HB 4111) to clarify farm machinery and equipment as taxable or exempt. Werner introduced HJR 19 (2023) and HJR 203 (2024) to give parents the constitutional right to direct the upbringing, education and care for their children. He co-sponsored several educational improvement bills, the born-alive bill and several common sense tax reforms.

— Learn More —

WernerForOregon.com, Your LIBERTY First

(This information furnished by Werner For Oregon, PAC ID 17892.)