Dwayne Yunker

Race: House
District: 3

VPS - Primary

Occupation: State Representative, Real Estate Principal Broker

Occupational Background: U.S. Military (21 years)

Educational Background: B.A., Business Administration

Prior Governmental Experience: Current State Representative, House District 3, Grants Pass City Councilor.

Husband, father, man of faith

Representative Dwayne Yunker is the Oregon state representative for House District 3, Josephine County.

Guiding principles

As a state representative, Dwayne takes a constitutional approach to lawmaking and wants to make sure that local families have the right to make choices for themselves. His values include education freedom, individual rights, and pro-life policies.

It’s time to take back Oregon

Our state government in Salem is failing Josephine County. From struggling public schools; seasonal wildfires; and rising homeless, drug overdose deaths, and crime. Little by little the Portland Democrats in Salem have eroded our liberties to choose what’s best for our families and our local communities.

Defending real Oregon

Dwayne is a proven champion for real Oregon in the state legislature. He speaks the truth in Salem, stands up for working families, and he isn’t for sale. He is a defender of religious freedom, the Second Amendment, and women and children. Whether it’s investigating and exposing unconstitutional state business practices or Planned Parenthood’s dangerous plan for public schools, Dwayne is a tireless defender against identity politics and progressive liberal policies.

Supporting real Oregon

“Most Oregonians are hard working people. We need to work on making homeownership affordable for most families. We need to prevent the state from taking away our property rights. We need to give families the right to choose the best education option for their children. We need to make sure our tax dollars come back to our community, not Portland.

Endorsed by

Josephine County Republican Central Committee
Oregon Right to Life PAC
Oregon Small Business Association
Oregon Firearms Federation Political Action Committee
Dennis Linthicum, State Senator, Senate District 28
Brian Bouteller
Jim Brumbach
Kevin Gill
Kathy Hall
Chad Hansen

Learn more


(This information furnished by Dwayne Yunker.)