David W Stauffer

Race: | Secretary of State |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: Environmental Inventions Inventor
Occupational Background: School District Business Manager for the North Slope Borough School District (for seven remote Inupiat Native schools in the Arctic) for four years. Former Securities Analyst for the State of Oregon, Division of Finance and Corporate Securities, Corporation Division. Oregon Professor of accounting and business courses. Inventor of environmental inventions. Practiced law as an Oregon Attorney for 15 years. Obtained two U.S. Patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office.
Educational Background: Roosevelt High School, Portland, Oregon, High School Diploma. Bachelor of Arts from the University of Chicago. Masters in Business Administration from the University of Portland. Juris Doctorate from Northwestern School of Law at Lewis & Clark College.
Prior Governmental Experience: School District Business Manager for the North Slope Borough School District (for seven remote Inupiat Native schools in the Arctic) for four years. Former Securities Analyst for the State of Oregon, Division of Finance and Corporate Securities, Corporation Division. Oregon Professor of accounting and business courses. Inventor of environmental inventions. Practiced law as an Oregon Attorney for 15 years. Obtained two U.S. Patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office.
Dave Stauffer is the only candidate that has any solutions to our air pollution/climate problems.
Dave Stauffer has two U.S. patents on his inventions of practical, workable, politically correct, money-generating, no-tax-requiring, physical infrastructure solutions to our current environmental problems. No other candidate is campaigning on any solutions that are as cheap and effective as Dave Stauffer’s solutions, so, to get those solutions, voters need to elect Dave Stauffer.
Go to Dave Stauffer for Governor (Facebook) and Dave Stauffer for President (Facebook) and watch a dozen short videos which explain Dave Stauffer’s Platform.
(This information furnished by David Stauffer.)