David Gomberg

Race: | House |
District: | 10 |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: Small Business Owner, retired
Occupational Background: 30 years in business
Educational Background: BS (Political Science/Honors) OSU; MA (Political Science/History/Economics) OSU; MBA (Marketing/Finance) Willamette
Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative; Senior Services Commission; Small Business Advisory Council; Ocean Science Trust; Seismic Safety Commission
I started a business on the coast, and Susan and I retired here. Salem doesn’t always represent small communities well. That’s why I’ve fought for commonsense solutions to local challenges.
- Wildfires: When my neighbors lost their homes, I took action, to reduce taxes, expand insurance, and lower rebuilding costs.
- Infrastructure: Small towns can’t afford big projects I’ve brought millions home for our ports, parks, cultural centers, colleges, and water systems.
- Housing: I was named a Housing Champion for funding affordable housing and homelessness solutions.
- Crime: I’m tackling the fentanyl crisis, funding police to protect our communities and make us safer.
“David fights for us. He even stood up to his own party, reversing Kate Brown’s cuts for veterans’ services.” – Roger Roberson, Army Veteran
“David sponsored the nation’s strongest protections for reproductive rights. I trust him to protect the rights of all women to make their own personal healthcare decisions.” – Cynthia Jacobi, Central Oregon Coast NOW
“David has been a real champion on housing and homelessness. He secured critical dollars for our small towns, not just big cities.” – Chas Jones, Mayor of Philomath
“David is one of the best Champions of Seniors in the Oregon Legislature.” – Jim Davis, Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens
David brings people together and bridges political divides. David shows up. David communicates. No one works harder to reach every corner of our sprawling district, to listen, and help.
We need an active, vocal, effective advocate for our part of Oregon. When so many in Salem prioritize Portland interests, David stands up for us.
(This information furnished by Gomberg for State Representative / www.ElectGomberg.com.)