Darin Harbick

Race: House
District: 12

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Owner, Harbick’s Inc. (logging), Harbick’s Country Inn, and Ark77 Recovery Center

Occupational Background: Owner, Harbick’s Country Store & Takoda’s Restaurant; Head Women’s Basketball Coach, New Hope Christian College

Educational Background: McKenzie High

Prior Governmental Experience: McKenzie School Board; Travel Lane County Tourism Board

Darin Harbick:
Conservative Leadership for Oregon

I am a native Oregonian raised by parents who instilled Christian values, modeled a strong work ethic, and taught the value of family, friends, and community.

I married my high school sweetheart, Kail, at the age of 19 and together we raised three kids and now enjoy four grandchildren. I have been involved in this community for decades as a small business owner, school board member, and coach.

Our communities need real, conservative leadership. We don’t need another Republican who votes with Democrats over 86% of the time. I’m ready to stand up for your values and I would be honored to have your vote!

Charlie Conrad is Out of Touch with Rural Lane County

“Rural Lane County desperately needs new representation. I was outraged when Rep. Charlie Conrad voted for HB 2002, the most anti-parent bill in U.S. history, allowing abortions and transgender procedures on very young minors without parents having any knowledge! Sadly, this is just one of Rep. Conrad’s many failures. Darin Harbick shares our values and will protect our families.”

Sami Jo Endicott – Mom, Walterville

“I support Darin Harbick 100%.”

John Umenhofer – Retired 30 Year Springfield Police Sergeant

Darin Harbick’s Conservative Priorities

  • 100% pro-life
  • Strongly pro-Second Amendment & law enforcement
  • Supports school choice
  • Will cut red tape on small businesses
  • A “NO” vote on high taxes
  • Fully repeal Measure 110

Key Endorsements:

Oregon Right to Life PAC
Senator Cedric Hayden
Lane County Commissioners Ryan Ceniga & David Loveall
Pastors Wayne Cordeiro (New Hope West), Kirk Stickler (Calvary Open Bible) & Bill Compton (Pleasant Hill Church of Christ)
Cottage Grove Mayor Candace Solesbee
Former Lane County Sheriff Byron Trapp


(This information furnished by Darin Harbick.)