Cyrus B Javadi

Race: | House |
District: | 32 |
VPS - Primary
Occupation: Dentist and Owner, SandCreek Dental; State Representative
Occupational Background: Dentist; Stockbroker
Educational Background: DDS – Doctor of Dental Surgery – University of the Pacific; Accounting BS – Brigham Young University
Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative; Dental Director, Tillamook County Health Department; Commissioner for the Port of Tillamook
Effective, Accountable Leadership
Living and working on the North Coast for over a decade, I am deeply committed to its prosperity. This is the best place to live, run a small business, and raise a family. I will fight every day to preserve our home!
I’ve had the honor of serving District 32 for the past year and a half. I’m a rural Republican elected during a time when Democrats have complete control over the Oregon Legislature and Governor’s office. Every day I’ve sought to make sure North Coast voices are heard in Salem. Despite the far-left agenda being prioritized in the capitol, we’ve been able to make real progress. I would be honored to keep serving you so we can build on our success.
Accomplishments to Protect the North Coast
- Spearheaded reforms to Measure 110, focusing on serious action against fentanyl possession; advocating for law enforcement enhancements
- Led the fight against the radical environmentalist’s extreme Habitat Conservation Plan, which is already cutting local jobs and will defund rural police and schools
- Strengthened laws for stalking victims and implemented measures to keep predators from our schools
- Proposed vital school safety legislation, including School Resource Officers and prompt parental notifications of threats
- Successfully passed legislation to boost housing availability and affordability
- Reformed coverage for high-cost prescription drugs to make medications more affordable
- Enhanced the flexibility of federal funding usage for rural broadband, connecting our communities more effectively
Senator Suzanne Weber
Republican Leader Representative Jeff Helfrich
Clatsop County Commissioner Courtney Bangs
Sheriffs of Oregon
Oregon Chiefs of Police Association
Associated Oregon Loggers
North Coast First PAC
Oregon Right to Life PAC
Taxpayers Association of Oregon
(This information furnished by Cyrus Javadi.)