Chris Gorsek

Race: Senate
District: 25

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Educator, Mt. Hood Community College and State Legislator

Occupational Background: Department Chair Mt Hood Community College; Instructor PSU; Police Officer

Educational Background: Ph.D., Portland State University; University of Oregon; Portland Community College

Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative, Troutdale City Councilor

Community Involvement: Oregon Innovation Council, Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board, and the Oregon School Safety Taskforce.

Chris Gorsek: Fighting for East County

Lowering the cost of living: Chris knows that working families are struggling with food costs, keeping gas in the car, and paying medical bills. Chris introduced the Family Financial Protection Act reducing financially devastating impacts on Oregon’s working families.

Addressing homelessness and housing: Rent and mortgage costs have skyrocketed for every income level, leaving too many families homeless. Chris supported record housing investments, to help get folks off the streets and improve our community’s standard of living.

Keeping our communities safe: As a former police officer, Chris knows that everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities. Chris supported reforms to Measure 110 that provide access to care for Oregonians struggling with mental health and addiction while cracking down on public drug use and dealing.

“Gresham police report catalytic converter thefts are down 80% this year.” Willamette Week on June 21, 2023 regarding the impact of legislation introduced by Sen Gorsek.

Investing in education: As a teacher, Chris believes every student deserves access to a quality education. He supported the Student Success Act, which made historic investments in East County classrooms, and increased investments in early literacy and summer learning so that every student has the support they need.

Endorsed by Leaders We Trust

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley

State Senator James Manning

State Representative Ricki Ruiz

City Councilor Eddy Morales

City Councilor Vince Jones-Dixon

American Federation of Teachers – Oregon

East County Rising

Oregon AFL-CIO


Oregon Nurses Association

Oregon State Fire Fighters Council

Teamsters Joint Council 37

Western States Carpenters

Learn more at:

(This information furnished by Friends of Chris Gorsek.)

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