Cedric R Hayden

Race: Senate
District: 6

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Dentist; wildland firefighter and heavy-equipment construction operator; State Representative serving from 2015-2022

Occupational Background: Dentist; small business owner; rancher

Educational Background: Doctor of Dental Surgery, University of Missouri – Kansas City

Prior Governmental Experience: Medical/Dental contractor – Oregon Department of Human Services

Legislative Committees: Vice-Chair: House Healthcare Committee; Vice-Chair: House Committee on COVID-19; Ways & Means Subcommittee on Human Services; Ways & Means Subcommittee on General Government; Joint Task Force on Access to Quality Affordable Healthcare.

Family: Married to wife Julie, dad of five great kids


Supporting Middle-Class, Working Oregonians

Cedric is proud to have stood up for working class families, protecting their Kicker Refunds, saying NO to taxing PPP loans on Oregon income tax returns, and VOTING NO on job-killing taxes.

Focusing on a Healthy Oregon

Ensuring access to affordable healthcare is critical. As a dentist, Cedric knows we need to make sure people in rural communities have the same access to providers as those in big cities. Cedric has supported safely expanding the types of care providers can offer, and he continues to support incentives that help doctors and nurses set up practice in rural communities.

Protecting Veterans who’ve Served to Protect Us

Cedric supports our Veterans. He just passed first-of-its-kind legislation to provide Oregon Veterans with needed dental care.

Dear Neighbors,

For voters in newly-drawn District 6 whom I’ve not had the honor to serve, I welcome your thoughts, opinions, and ideas to improve Oregon. Please follow on Facebook at facebook.com/haydenfororegon. Join the conversations about what’s happening in state government.

For voters I’ve represented this past eight years as your State Representative, please know, I’ll continue to have an open door, staff to serve your needs, and be there to support you.

I am excited for a new opportunity in the Legislature. I’ll appreciate your vote to continue being a voice for rural Oregon in Salem!

Thank you!

Cedric Hayden


(This information furnished by Hayden for Oregon.)

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