Aimee L Reiner

Race: House
District: 39

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Senior Sales Manager, Glass Manufacturing

Occupational Background: Sales Manager, Beverage Industry

Educational Background: Master of Business Administration, University of Redlands; Bachelor of Arts, Marshall University

Prior Governmental Experience: None

Military: U.S. Army Reserve1999-2007
Community: Youth Sports Coach, Sunnyside Foursquare Church Volunteer

Having transitioned from competitive collegiate athlete to serving in the U.S. Army Reserves and thriving in the business world, I have a proven track record of excellence and dedication. Today, I’m driven to channel that same passion and commitment into advocating for you in the State Legislature.

Returning to Law & Order

Our criminal justice system needs to return to deterring crime by enforcing existing laws and prosecuting offenders. Graffiti and retail theft may be a lower priority than violent crime, but we can’t ignore it either. I want to see our neighborhoods clean and safe, and law enforcement supported and respected.

Families First, Not Bureaucrats

COVID shutdowns were an eyeopener for our family. As the mother of a special needs student and young twins, it was challenging when we were forced to administer lesson plans at home. We quickly learned that our schools were more focused on extreme political agendas than education or socialization. Our kids deserve objective, outcome-based learning that prepares them for the real world.

Advocate & Leader in Equal Rights

Since coming out at the age of 13, I’ve carried a deep-seated commitment to empowering individuals to embrace their true selves. Even during the era of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” in the U.S. Army Reserves, I fearlessly advocated for equal rights. I’ve spearheaded initiatives promoting diversity and understanding in the workplace and volunteered for crisis support services focused on preventing teenage suicide.

Stopping Runaway Inflation, Tolling and Tax Hikes

The last things struggling Oregonians need right now are added daily expenses. I’ll stand firm against tolling our freeways and oppose tax and fee increases.


Jeff Helfrich, Oregon House Republican Leader

Patrick Sheehan, Former Republican State Representative

(This information furnished by Aimee Reiner and Friends.)

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