Daniel Nguyen

Race: House
District: 38

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Restaurant Owner

Occupational Background: Small Business Owner

Educational Background: BA, University of Puget Sound; MBA, Marylhurst University

Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative, Lake Oswego City Council

Community Service: Oregon Innovation Council, Oregon Retirement Savings Board, Oregon Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs, former Immigration Counseling Service Board; former Business for a Better Portland Board; former PCC School of Business Advisory Board

Leadership and Grit

My wife Katherine and I founded our restaurant business 20 years ago based on family recipes and these core values – Integrity, Perseverance, and Community. It is these values that I will take to Salem to represent the communities of Lake Oswego, SW and South Portland.

As a parent, a small business owner, and a former city councilor, I bring real-world experience, creating solutions to help our communities, small businesses, workers and their families.

As your State Representative I will:

Work to modernize Oregon’s school funding model used to determine what resources are required to reflect the real world needs of Oregon students and educators. Promote policies to retain and attract public educators to help our students and their families thrive in our public education system.

Support investments to provide behavioral health and substance abuse treatment to ensure all who seek care can receive care.

Fight for increased access to affordable healthcare, including reproductive healthcare.

Advocate for proactive policies that mitigate the impacts of extreme weather while investing in green innovation.

Champion opportunities across our economy, for workers and businesses, including support for workforce development through apprenticeship and career technical education programs and prioritize a bold and strategic economic development plan to guarantee Oregon’s economic prosperity.

Endorsed by:

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley

Senator Ron Wyden

Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon

Democratic Party of Clackamas County

Oregon School Employees Association

Sierra Club

(This information furnished by Friends of Daniel Nguyen.)