Maxine E Dexter

Race: U.S. House

VPS - Primary

Occupation: State Representative; Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician

Occupational Background: Chair, Board of Directors, Northwest Permanente Medical Group

Educational Background: University of Washington, B.A., M.D.; University of Colorado, Certificate of Public Health

Prior Governmental Experience: Chair of the House COVID-19 committees, member of Healthcare and Judiciary Committees, PPS Advisory Committee


As a parent and a physician, I will continue to fight for a future where every Oregonian has the ability to live a healthy life, in a healthy community, on a healthy planet.

Homelessness and Housing

“The solutions are simple – more shelter, more housing, more mental health and addiction treatment, and better paying jobs for our workforce. Getting from here to there is not simple. That’s why we need complex problem solvers like Dr. Maxine Dexter to lead the way.”

Governor Barbara Roberts

Community Safety

“Maxine understands that true community safety is about the need to increase police accountability while investing in prevention, decriminalization, and helping communities get their basic needs met – which are proven community solutions to increase safety long term.”

Candace Avalos, Community Leader

Reproductive Justice

"We are facing unprecedented threats to reproductive freedom. Maxine is a tireless champion we can depend on to lead the fight with us."

Christel Allen, Pro-Choice Oregon

Climate Action

"We need leaders who will stand up for young people and our right to a livable future. I trust Representative Dexter will continue to fight for climate action, healthcare, youth engagement, and more for me and my peers all across the state."

Ukiah Halloran-Steiner (16), Youth Climate Justice Organizer


Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon

Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC

Oregon League of Conservation Voters

Oregon Nurses Association

Oregon State FireFighters Council

Oregon Education Association

Oregon AFL-CIO

Teamsters Joint Council 37

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden

Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum

Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward

Senator Akasha Lawrence Spence

Representative Lisa Reynolds

Commissioner Carmen Rubio

(This information furnished by Maxine for Oregon.)

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