Jeff Helfrich

Race: House
District: 52

VPS - Primary

Occupation: State Representative

Occupational Background: Retired Police Sergeant; Cascade Locks City Councilor; MCEDD Board of Directors; US Air Force; Farmhand.

Educational Background: Columbine High School; Oregon Public Safety Academy/DPSST

Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative; Cascade Locks City Councilor; Planning Commissioner/Budget Committee member; Economic Development Workgroup member.

Bringing People Together. Getting Things Done.

As your State Representative, I fight for family-wage jobs, parental rights in education, government accountability and safe communities. Elected officials in Salem are drunk on power and need to be held accountable. I held people accountable as a police officer, and I will continue to hold politicians accountable in Salem.

Advocating for safe communities. Oregonians deserve safe streets free of drugs, crime, and homelessness. I support policies that restore accountability and support treatment for those struggling with addiction. I stand with our law enforcement and first responders who put their lives on the line to serve our communities.

Fighting back against government overreach. Politicians in Salem believe they can control all aspects of our lives with mandates. I will fight every day to stop this trend. We live in a free country, it’s time our elected leaders start acting like it.

Investing in education: As a father, I know first-hand the importance of ensuring our schools have a robust curriculum and are transparent with parents. My commitment will always be to support our schools, students, parents, and teachers.

Promoting economic growth: We need high paying jobs for the people of this district, and we need policies that will attract and retain those jobs. Without small business, everyone suffers. I will continue to advocate for policies to help develop and grow businesses in our community.

Oregon Coalition of Police and Sheriffs

Oregon Chiefs of Police Association


Taxpayer Association of Oregon

“I’d appreciate your vote to serve you once again!” –Representative Jeff Helfrich

(This information furnished by Friends of Jeff Helfrich.)

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