Virginia Stapleton

Race: House
District: 21

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Salem City Councilor, community advocate and volunteer

Occupational Background: Co-Founder, Salem Bike Vision; Co-Owner, The Ground Guys Landscaping; Office Manager, David Evans and Associates

Educational Background: A.A., Chemeketa Community College

Prior Governmental Experience: Salem City Councilor (2021-present), Council President (2022-present); Salem-Keizer School District Budget Committee (2018-2021)

Volunteer Activities: Past-President, Englewood Elementary Parent-Teacher Club; Founding Board Member, Englewood Forest Festival; North Englewood Neighborhood Watch

Salem City Councilor Virginia Stapleton – Working on What Matters Most

“I believe that everyone deserves access to affordable housing,
a quality education, a healthy environment, safer neighborhoods,
and a thriving economy.” – Virginia Stapleton

Having been born and raised in the Salem area I have a deep understanding of our strengths and the challenges facing our community. As your state representative, I’ll fight to solve our homelessness and mental health crisis, defend access to reproductive healthcare, improve the safety of our schools and neighborhoods, protect our environment, and build a stronger economy that helps working people get ahead.

I have been fortunate to be able to live, work, own a small business, raise two children and serve our community on the Salem City Council. While on Council, I’ve been focused on bringing people together to improve the quality of life in our community by:

  • Expanding services to prevent, manage and
    end our homelessness crisis
  • Building affordable housing options for all residents
  • Investing in community policing and emergency response
  • Improving Salem’s infrastructure and transportation systems
  • Taking action to combat climate change

I’d be honored to have the opportunity to keep fighting for our community as your next state representative. Together we can build a stronger and more prosperous community that gives everyone the opportunity to succeed.

Virginia is endorsed by:

Senator Ron Wyden U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley
Congresswoman Andrea Salinas State Senator Deb Patterson
State Representative Paul Evans State Representative Tom Andersen
Mayor Chris Hoy Young Democrats of Oregon

(This information furnished by Elect Virginia Stapleton.)