Terrence Virnig

Race: House
District: 15

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Registered Professional Engineer – Retired

Occupational Background: In my first career job I worked as an Environmental Scientist for 7 years for a mid-west Public Utility. Move to Oregon and spent 7 years with the Oregon Department of Energy supporting the Oregon Public Utility Commission. The remainder of my career was spent as an engineer working for the hazardous waste industry and the chemical manufacturing industry here in Oregon

Educational Background: BA Biology, Saint Mary’s College; MS Environmental Biology, Mich Tech University; BS Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University.

Prior Governmental Experience: : Albany Public Safety Commission, Albany Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, Albany Traffic Safety Commission, Albany Budget Committee. Benton County Democrats PCP.

As your representative from District 15, I plan to represent all of my constituents. I have lived in Oregon for 40 years. Married to Janice for 30 years. We have 2 adult children. I like bird watching, bird photography, kayaking, biking, etc. With my education, training, career and experience in engineering and science, I have a strong grasp of technical and financial issues. My history has shaped me to be pramatic and understanding. I look at both sides of an issue. I strive to make the best balance for the people I represent. If you vote for me I will not disappoint you.

I feel strongly about the need to protect and preserve our environment. This involves energy needs and priorities, climate change, allocation of resources.

Wildland fires are jeopardizing our timber industry and polluting our state and planet. We need to take some steps.

Health Care is a right, not a privelege.

Homelessness and illicit drug usage are chronic problems. We need to shelter these folks and stem the drug usage and crime that goes with it.

I recognize we have many other challenges.

(This information furnished by Terrence Virnig.)

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