Timothy S Sutherland

Race: House
District: 13

VPS - Primary

Occupation: Sales Director

Occupational Background: Sales and Marketing

Educational Background: University of Kentucky, BS, Accounting

Prior Governmental Experience: None

* I Will Fight to Empower Parents.

Schools and teachers are important, but PARENTS should be the primary directors of their childrens’ education – not government officials. School curriculum, teaching methods, board policies, and other such things must fully transparent and easily accessible to parents. Money should follow students into any accredited public, private, charter, or home school chosen by parents because poor, working, and middle class parents should have more of the same choices that rich parents have. Our schools should be as diverse as our children are.

* I Will Fight to Reign In Homelessness.

Like you, I want to help and show compassion to people struggling to survive. But widespread homelessness and aggressive panhandling is no answer. Both threaten our health and safety. It’s time to shut down homeless camps and tent communities. At the same time, we need to work with our churches, communities, and networks of shelters and services to make alternatives of homelessness safer and more accessible. Facilitating job creation, instead of chasing employers away, will also reduce homelessness.

* I Will Fight to Reign In Crime.

The highest purpose of our police is to secure the life, property, and rights of the people. Like the rest of us, Police must obey the law and be held accountable when they don’t. At the same time, police must be able to vigorously enforce the law confident we have their backs. We need to adequately fund, train, and honor the vast majority of police who serve with honor and heroism.

We know what works. We just need to do it. Elect me and I will.

(This information furnished by Timothy S. Sutherland.)